Dental Procedures

Are My Receding Gums a Concern?

There are several conditions that can affect people’s gums. Gum recession is a common one. This is when the gum pulls back, exposing more and more root as time goes by. These areas can be very sensitive when brushing, when exposed to cold, or to sweets. Some recession is normal as we age, but it can jeopardize the tooth if it is too much. The tough gum around the neck of the tooth is a lighter pink and called attached gingiva. It is in a band along the gum line which is only 1/4-inch-wide (or much less in some areas). Beyond the attached gingiva is the unattached gingiva, which is a darker red in color. This extends toward the root end of the tooth and curves into the lip or cheek tissue. Milder recession, which does not reach the unattached gingiva, is usually not a problem. If the exposed root is sensitive, toothpaste for sensitive teeth can help. If the root is very sensitive, your dentist can treat it. In a more serious case of recession, the gum stripping can reach the unattached gingiva. This situation definitely needs treatment, because the recession will progress quickly and expose much of the root if not stopped. Recession is usually caused by one of three things. Over vigorous brushing, plaque and calculus accumulation, or little muscle attachments (frenum) that are pulling on the gum line. Your dentist can help you with a more preventive brushing technique, as well as help with the other causes.

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